"Now, whether at work, home, or on the go, customers can buy music from Amazon MP3, store it in the cloud and play it anywhere."Ĭustomers automatically start with 5 GB of Cloud Drive storage to upload their digital music library, and those who purchase an Amazon MP3 album will be upgraded to 20 GB of Cloud Drive space. "Our customers have told us they don't want to download music to their work computers or phones because they find it hard to move music around to different devices," Carr said. "The launch of Cloud Drive, Cloud Player for Web and Cloud Player for Android eliminates the need for constant software updates as well as the use of thumb drives and cables to move and manage music."
"We're excited to take this leap forward in the digital experience," said Bill Carr, vice president of Movies and Music at Amazon. Customers can easily upload their music library to Amazon Cloud Drive and can save any new Amazon MP3 purchases directly to their Amazon Cloud Drive for free. (NASDAQ:AMZN) today announced the launch of Amazon Cloud Drive (Amazon Cloud Player for Web (and Amazon Cloud Player for Android (Together, these services enable customers to securely store music in the cloudand play it on any Android phone, Android tablet, Mac or PC, wherever they are.
#Amazon cloud player app download upgrade#
Start with 5 GB of free Cloud Drive storage - upgrade to 20 GB free with purchase of any MP3 albumĪ, Inc. Introducing Amazon Cloud Drive, Amazon Cloud Player for Web, and Amazon Cloud Player for Androidīuy anywhere, play anywhere and keep all your music in one place